Client Insisting on Writing Web Copy Themselves? Here’s How to Help Them Ace It

Content Goodies

You’ve put a ton of effort into creating a cutting-edge website for your new client. All that’s left is to fill it with deliciously appealing and engaging copy!

But what do you do when a client insists on writing their website copy themselves? Turn into the shrieking man in the painting ‘The Scream’? Well, that’s always an option, I guess.

Or, you can do your best to prepare and support your client in doing the best job they can with the tools and resources they have at their disposal.

There are different reasons why your client might not be able to hire a professional copywriter to get your website project across the line. Either they simply can’t afford the service, or they reckon they can take a good swing at it themselves because they write their own social media posts.

Listen, maybe they can!

But, crafting compelling web copy is a skill that requires a certain degree of expertise, insight, and knowledge. Without access to that, they won’t be able to execute it to a professional standard, and their website (along with all your painstaking work) will likely suffer as a result.

So, if you’ve got a client supplying their own website content – don’t worry!

We’re here to tell you how to help your clients write copy that rivals the real deal and won’t leave you weeping into your laptop as you watch your web dev efforts fill with terrible copy.

How to write website copy that doesn’t suck

Writing online content isn’t as easy as it seems. But it’s not impossible!

Let’s dive right into our top 6 tips you can use to help your clients write better web copy.

1. Ensure they understand their business

Trust us, as professional copywriters, we know all too well that people don’t always understand their businesses.

How are you supposed to write a website that positions a business in the best possible light and appeals to an audience if the business doesn’t even know what it is in the first place?

This is absolutely priority number one. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time.

Before your client sets about writing their website, ensure they have a very clear understanding of their:

  • Brand values
  • Brand voice
  • Services (you’d be surprised)
  • Target audience
  • Unique selling point
  • Mission statement

Once they’re solid on the fundamentals, they can translate them into a website that makes sense and makes their business shine!

2. Keep web content clear and simple

Your client’s website is their chance to showcase their expertise and what makes them so unique. For many DIY-written websites, the desire to communicate this can have the opposite effect.

If a website user has to traipse through rambling paragraphs filled with unnecessary details and irrelevant anecdotes to access the basic information they need, they simply aren’t going to stick around long enough to crack the code.

You don’t need to go into great detail to write great copy. Encourage your clients to get to the point in as few words as possible in the body copy while still clearly communicating their message. (Edit, edit, and edit again!)

Using simple words and clear language is also essential. While they might be tempted to show off their knowledge by flashing a few fancy words and industry jargon – the truth is all that ever does is alienate an audience, not impress them.

3. Create a cohesive structure and flow

Your client’s website needs to take visitors on a direct path to converting into customers. So, how the content is presented and delivered is super important.

Consider the user’s experience of the entire website. Nobody wants to have to work for information – and they won’t!

Ensure seamless navigation, clear access to the most critical details, and a nice balance of written and visual content so as not to overwhelm the reader.

All relevant information doesn’t need to be jammed into the first paragraph of the home page, either. When you give thought to the structure and flow of the content, the copy has room to breathe and the reader space to digest, too.

4. Focus on customer benefits

Understandably, when clients are writing their own website copy, they tend to focus on themselves. At the end of the day, they’re trying to sell themselves and their products or services, so it’s the logical thing to do, right?

Well, here’s where insider copywriting knowledge is absolutely essential.

Just as your client is concerned with themselves, so are their website visitors.

Instead of saying, “We do this, and we do that, and MY GOD, aren’t we so fantastic?” try focusing on customer benefits and experience – because that’s what the reader is there for!

For example, “we provide professional copywriting services for digital agencies” becomes “get your time, money, and sanity back with professionally written copy for your clients’ websites”. It’s just a matter of flipping the focus with the language you use!

5. Include a strong CTA

There’s no point in spending a load of time writing web content if it doesn’t inspire the reader to fulfil the desired action.

Whether the goal is to get the user to subscribe, make a purchase, or get in touch – this must be abundantly clear and utterly irresistible to the audience.

Grab the reader’s attention with a clear, persuasive call-to-action (CTA) at the end of each page that speaks directly to them.

CTAs with a distinct, personal message are 202% more effective than generic ones, so make sure your clients are stepping into their audience’s shoes, evoking an emotional response, and encouraging them to convert.

6. Use our website copywriting templates

Writing effective website copy that attracts and converts is an entirely different beast from banging out a social media post.

With so many elements to consider and balance, a little guidance goes a long way.

That’s why we’ve created copywriting templates to demystify the process of crafting written copy that actually gets results! In fact, these are the same templates we use to write our own copy at The Content Lab, so you know they’re good!

When you provide your clients with the right framework, they’ll be able to create content that actually does their website justice, speaks to their audience, and ranks higher on search engines.

Take your website projects to the next level with Content Goodies

Don’t waste your time and energy trying to make bad website copy work. Get yourself The Website Copywriting Accelerator Pack today to boost performance and efficiency!

You can also help your clients transform their content marketing efforts with The All-In-One Blogging Pack, designed to help them perfect the art of writing a high-performing blog post.

Ready to start writing? Do it with Content Goodies!


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