The internet is saturated with content. That might lead you to think surely there’s enough out there, why should you add even more to it?
But the algorithm is a hungry beast – and it’s a fussy eater!
It’s constantly searching for fresh, high-quality content (like regular blogs) to keep it nice and full. In return, it rewards you with a higher position on search engine results pages. Yum, yum!
But do people still read blogs, really?
The short answer is yes. In fact, 80% of people online read blogs.
Blogs are brilliant. Between keeping search engines happy and providing valuable insights to your target audience, they truly are the gift that keeps on giving.
If you’re thinking about starting a blog, don’t let the financial side of things put you off.
Sure, you can pump a ton of money into blogging by outsourcing all the work and paying someone to promote it.
Maybe you’re looking to start blogging to sell it as a service, or you’ve got a client who can’t afford to hire a professional content writer. Whatever the case, you can find a way that works for you within your means – so you can make money blogging in no time!
How to start your own blog and stick with it (even when money’s tight)
Creating a successful blog doesn’t mean you’ve got to come from old money, rattling around your mansion writing prose like some privileged Victorian character in a turn-of-the-century novel.
Blogging is for everyone, regardless of budget!
You can carve out a space for your brand online with the help of strategic, quality content. Let’s explore our top tips to help you start blogging and stick with it.
1. Create a content calendar
First things first, the best way to stick with your blog (or anything, really) is to create a solid, realistic plan.
When it comes to starting a blog, a content calendar should be at the top of your list.
You can find free templates online or create your own for an even more personalised approach. Simply outline the next 12 months, fill in how many blogs you plan on writing each month, and what you’re going to write about.
Come up with blog topics and a blog post title for each one. This way, you take the pressure off coming up with blog post ideas when it comes time to write – all you’ve got to do is get typing and publish your work!
The only kind of scrambling I like to do is my eggs. So, instead of scrambling to come up with something worthwhile to write about when you remember you haven’t written a blog in a while, set actionable steps and goals to work towards. This way you can effortlessly stick to a regular blogging habit and feel like a total pro right off the bat.
2. Reuse blog content as social media posts
We’re big fans of repurposing content in meaningful ways.
No, we absolutely do not mean copying and pasting someone else’s work to post on your own site. (Big boo to that behaviour from us, your audience, and search engines!)
We mean taking sections or pieces of information from a blog post you’ve written and using it to thoughtfully create new, engaging, and interesting social media content.
You can quote yourself directly, or use blog content as a jumping-off point to craft eye-catching infographics, videos, or whatever else you want to post on social media.
You spend so much time writing blog posts, so why not get the most out of them by using that content across different platforms? You already know it’s good and written with your target audience in mind, so it’s a win-win!
3. Network, baby!
Networking can (understandably) send a shiver down the spine of many marketers.
But when it comes to networking in the blogging world, you really don’t need to be so scared. Your fabulous work will do most of the talking for you anyway!
Share your blog posts far and wide on social media and encourage your blog readers to do the same to drive engagement. If you’ve written a genuinely valuable piece that offers fresh insights and is enjoyable to read, it won’t be hard to get it shared around!
It’s also super useful to look for guest posting opportunities on other blogging platforms, in collaboration with thought leaders in your niche, or on a blog hosting site that’s relevant to your industry. This way, you can tap into their markets and make a lasting impression – ideally directing them towards your own website.
4. Do your keyword research for search engines
As we touched on earlier, search engines love content – but not just any old content!
It’s got to be well-written and include relevant keywords for local SEO if you want to land yourself a worthy position on search engine results pages.
Do your best Agatha Christie impersonation and start digging into keyword research. Make sure to include plenty of these phrases in your blog’s headings and pepper other long tail keywords throughout the entire blog as you see fit. (Just don’t compromise on the readability of your work!)
By targeting the keywords your audience uses when searching for your niche, you’ll naturally boost organic traffic to your blog online, ultimately generating more revenue for your website. All that from a humble blog? I think so!
5. Create a strong, consistent blogging brand identity
Your website’s blog is so much more than just another place to publish content. It’s an extension of your brand.
Infuse your unique brand identity into each blog post. If you’re including graphics, why not create personalised, branded images to accompany your piece instead of stock photos?
Take a look at what other bloggers are doing for inspiration, but remember to stay true to what makes you so unique to humanise your brand and really connect with your audience on a personal level.
Make sure to use a web hosting platform that allows you to create a custom blog theme and infuse your unique branding. You can even come up with a fun blog name to help you stand out from the crowd and really position yourself as the true leader that you are within your blog niche.
6. Use our blogging templates
Blogging is so much more than just sitting down at your laptop and blasting out the words like some divine power is channeling through you. (Although, I wouldn’t mind if that happened when writer’s block strikes!)
The All-In-One Blogging Pack from Content Goodies is precisely what you need to get you started and help keep you going on your blogging journey, so you can enjoy a long and successful road ahead.
If you’re serious about improving your writing skills to create engaging blog posts that sell, you’re going to need a little help from the professionals.
Created by professional content writers with a wealth of experience, our blogging pack contains the very same templates, tools, and frameworks our writers use every day at The Content Lab to write high-ranking, high-converting blog posts.
You won’t need to look at other blogs for inspiration when you’re starting out or to help you get over writer’s block – you’ll have your very own templates at your disposal, whenever you need them.
What does The All-In-One Blogging Pack include?
Well, to get straight to the point, it contains everything you need to help you sell, research, write, and map out your blogs.
This is more than a collection of basic tips and tricks that vaguely skirt around professional blogging without actually getting to the root of what matters – writing and selling.
This pack is specifically created to help you figure out who you are as a writer so you can really shine in your niche, showcase your expertise, and get noticed online.
So, what exactly do you get when you purchase it?
Firstly, you get access to professional blogging templates that take the fear out of the dreaded ‘blank page’. You’ll know how to start, what information to include where, and how to structure a blog that flows and reads effortlessly.
You also get access to your very own content calendar template, which, as we mentioned earlier, is absolutely essential if you want to actually stick to your blogging efforts long term!
But the real gems lie in our comprehensive blogging guide that teaches you how to:
- Start selling blogs to clients: Tips on selling blogging as a service, promoting your services, and how much to charge for your blogs
- Research blogs effectively: Understanding what makes a great blog title, finding ideal blog topics for your target audience, best practices, and keyword research
- Write blogs like a pro: Blog writing templates, writing best practices, blog checklists, and blog title samples for you to personalise and use
- Optimise blogs: Tips on how to write for SEO, keyword research, how to use keywords and where to put them in blogs
For even more details on what you can expect, how to start blogging, and how to sell blogging as a service, watch this video with Abby Wood (founder of The Content Lab and Content Goodies) and Kyle Van Deusen (founder of OGAL Web Design and The Admin Bar.)
Don’t stress over writing your first blog post! Get started with professional blogging templates from Content Goodies
Whether you’re looking to start a new blog or hoping to boost your existing one but simply don’t have any budget to put behind it – there’s nothing standing in your way when you’ve got The All-In-One Blogging Pack!
Writing a WordPress blog, or a blog for any other blogging platform, has never been easier. Purchase The All-In-One Blogging Pack today to revolutionise your content marketing efforts.