Don’t be modest — you know a lot about your business. You’ve been in the industry for years, and you’ve learned a thing or two about how your services should be delivered. Now, it’s time to let that hard-earned knowledge shine in an opinion blog.
An opinion blog lets you speak your mind on hot industry topics or share deeper insight than a regular article. This helps you position yourself as the industry expert you are!
Plus, readers get more than just your opinion. When you’re writing an opinion piece, you can share another layer of your own personality and style. It’s a great way to build a more authentic connection with your customers and clients.
Let’s explore what makes opinion blogs successful and share tips on how you can write an exciting piece that stays focused and delivers on the headline.
Why should you bother writing opinion pieces?
As a brand that wants to attract as many clients as possible, you might find it simpler to hide behind safe blog content. And that’s ok if you don’t want to ruffle any feathers. 🦉
But safe blog content doesn’t make connections. Sometimes, you need to point out industry inconsistencies or take a stance against a glaring problem. Here’s why:
- Opinion pieces prove you’re a thought leader. Challenging the status quo with new ideas marks your brand as an innovator. You don’t react to the market; you help shape it.
- Opinion pieces show that you care. When you write an opinion piece, it’s because you’re passionate about the topic, and you want to take a stand. Clients might not agree with your opinion, but most will respect your authenticity if you present it with fairness and balance.
- Opinion pieces build stronger connections. An honest, passionate voice will always find followers. Writing an opinion piece is a “true colors” display that never fails to cement lasting client-brand relationships.

What makes a good opinion piece?
These elements are the hallmarks of a thoughtful opinion blog:
If you’re writing an opinion blog post, readers will expect to see an opinion. Something genuine and possibly even heartfelt, depending on the topic. So give it to them!
Your opinion is your own, and even though you’re likely convinced that it’s appropriate and correct, keep in mind that there’s always a counterargument. Research the arguments against your stance and list them in your blog post. You don’t have to agree with them — just acknowledge them.
Well-written opinion pieces share evidence to back up their ideas. Include case studies, research, or statistics on the topic you’re writing about to reinforce your stance.
Don’t confuse an opinion piece with a rant. Your blog is no place for wild accusations, unfounded rumors, or personal bitterness. A clear-eyed, diplomatic blog is far more compelling than a frothy-mouthed sermon.
Tips for writing focused opinion articles that stay on track
It’s easy to lose the run of yourself when you’re pounding away at the keyboard, swept up in the thrill of making a brilliant point in your opinion blog. But if you go off the rails, your readers are less likely to take your opinion seriously. Keep your blog post focused with these tips.

Write a one-sentence opinion clarification
Before you begin writing, jot down one sentence that clarifies your position on the matter and briefly summarises your reasons. This sentence will probably echo your blog’s title and help you deliver on the promises your title makes.
Your audience won’t read the summary sentence, but you’ll refer to it again and again as you’re writing. It’ll be your opinion article’s North Star, keeping you writing in the right direction.
Sketch your outline first
Keeping your summary sentence in mind, sketch a rough outline of the points you want to make in your blog. Every point should be linked to that summary sentence.
If your train of thought starts to stray from the path, refocus your writing by rereading your summary and realigning your target to match your summary and outline.
Offer supporting evidence
Make room in your outline for evidence that supports your position. You might include a case study or anecdotal evidence from your own experience, cite statistics, or reference other thought leaders in your industry.
Research your topic and understand every angle of the issue. Then, offer proof to back up your claims.
Use keywords as a guide to reader relevance
SEO can help guide the content so that it stays on-topic and relevant to your readers. Your main keyword will probably be the topic of your blog, but research some secondary keywords to understand the subtopics your audience associates with the main one.
Choosing the right keywords for your blog can help you connect with wider audiences. You may attract visitors outside your regular readership, allowing you to expand to new markets.
But be careful — don’t let yourself be led astray chasing keywords. Choosing the wrong secondary keywords can cause your content to lose focus and your excellent points to get lost. Using too many keywords (keyword stuffing) will make your writing sound like an AI-generated abomination. So choose — and use — keywords wisely.
Explore solutions
An informed opinion is interesting. An opinion backed by clever solutions is trailblazing. Offering solutions as part of your opinion piece places your brand squarely in “innovator” territory.
Solutions help you remain focused on the problem at hand. They should be achievable, and ideally, they’ll include actions you and your readers can take to make real change. Just make sure they still relate to your summary sentence to keep them on-topic and relevant.
As always, keep it authentic and on-brand
We talk a lot about staying true to your brand voice while you’re writing, and your opinion blog is no exception. In fact, an opinion piece is often an opportunity to make an even deeper connection with your audience, so you might want to show ever more personality with strong, distinctive writing.
If you’re allowing regular contributors to write opinion pieces, make sure to read them closely to be sure that they align with your brand voice, stay on-topic, and represent your company accurately.

Make it rain conversions!
If you struggle with writing blogs that are honest, approachable, and easy-to-read, download the All-In-One Blog Pack from Content Goodies. You’ll get a step-by-step mini-course that shows you how to share your expertise through your blogs, sell content to your clients, and improve your ranking online. Plus, you’ll get ✨blogging templates!✨
The All-In-One Blog Pack is the perfect guide to writing your own blogs with an authentic voice that will endear you to your readers. Get yours today!